Lynn Valley Elementary

Lynn Valley School staff strive to provide a broad range of teaching and learning experiences so that all students can attain their full potential in academics, the arts, athletics and social-emotional development

Lynn Valley Elementary is the oldest school in North Vancouver, circa 1902. With a new building, completed in 2006, we have the benefits of a modern structure, and a long historic connection as a hub of the Lynn Valley Community. Located at the cross roads of Lynn Valley Road and Mountain Highway, we are in close proximity to a new public library. Wonderful amenities close at hand truly make Lynn Valley a natural place to learn. Within walking distance are: Lynn Canyon, the Ecology Centre, Rice Lake and local paths, parks and ponds. At Karen Magnussen Recreation Centre, the ice rink is utilized for annual skating events, and the swimming pool is used for our annual grade 5 swimming lessons and class field trips.

Argyle Secondary School is within two blocks, enabling our students to develop a strong bond to their future high school. Argyle students volunteer here, and elementary students are invited to the secondary site for events such as “Live Differently”, Santa’s Breakfast, as well as concerts, sporting events and theatre productions. There are several events each year to support students in grade 7 to prepare to transition to grade 8.

Our School is supported by an active PAC in a mixed socio-economic demographic, with a population of diverse cultures and backgrounds. Student Council, Peer Mediators and intermediate lunch monitors are some of the initiatives in place to promote and support a safe and inclusive school community for our students. We have dedicated teachers and wonderful support staff members, who strive to offer diverse learning and extra-curricular opportunities for students, so that all students have the opportunity to work, learn and play. We are committed to make the school a place where all children are included, and all are supported to achieve their potential.



British Columbia
